Characterization of bioactive lipids: We use conventional TLC, HPLC, and GC-MS to characterize different classes of lipids, such as terpenoids from hemp extract (shown to be effective bioinsecticides and biofungicides when dispersed as nanoemulsions), phospholipids and glycolipids in microalgae, and other bioactive lipids such as tocotrienols, astaxanthins, and sphingolipids in oleaginous biomass.
Lipid oxidation and stabilization: We study how the lipid’s molecular structure, such as a pendent hydroxyl group (free vs substituted), affects the kinetics of lipid oxidation. We also study how to prevent lipid oxidation in bulk oil or in dispersion systems, such as model emulsions and processed meat products.
Synthesis and evaluation of functional lipids, such as biobased waxes: We use domestic vegetable oil as feedstock to make wax-like materials that can mimic paraffin and carnauba wax’s properties. We investigate the synergistic effect among different classes of lipidic compounds found in wax matrices, so we can deliver tunable properties by engineering molecular composition, nanoscale and mesoscale crystallinity (by SAXS), thermal, mechanical, and coating and barrier properties of the biowaxes.
Lipid extraction and fractionation: We explore environmentally friendly methods and conditions to maximize and optimize lipid extraction from corn fermentation by-products, microbial biomass, egg yolk, and dairy processing byproduct streams.
Protein chemistry and novel applications: We investigate protein derived compounds that are effective in inhibiting ice recrystallization and growth. These biobased and safe alternatives to the synthesized industrial chemicals have potentials to be used in frozen storage of food and biomaterials to prevent freezing induced damage to food structure and cells.
Examples of Recent Trainees
Francisco Layva-Gutierrez, PhD: Research Scientist, BroadPharm
Zifan Wan, PhD: Assistant Professor, Food Science, University of Wisconsin
Linxing Yao, PhD: Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility, Colorado State University
Jose Gerde, PhD: Faculty of Universidad Nacional de Rosario/CONICET, Argentina